Forestry is very important. In fact, one of those moral responsibilities that every individual should have is to preserve the green areas around them.

However, the emerging and drastic need for more housing and the commercial regions calls for something in the opposite direction.

Here is when you have to excavate massive-scale areas to start new projects.

Cutting trees in this situation is not a task to be easily fulfilled with a chainsaw, and as per the requirements, you need types of equipment that adequately meets the needs- Vermeer’s brush chipper.

Such large-scale, portable machinery ensures that the woodcutters face minimal inconveniences while they undertake their work.

But, issues with the Vermeer brush chipper are bound to arise, so you must know of Vermeer bc 1000xl troubleshooting.

Vermeer Bc1000xl Troubleshooting

Before we begin to advise you on Vermeer bc1000xl troubleshooting, we will be educating you about the product itself and what it exactly does so you have a more comprehensive understanding of whether you are using the product appropriately or not.

Commonly the Vermeer bc1000xl is known to be a brush chipper. Be it a brush chipper or any other sort of chipper, it is a crucial requirement for any forestry team to proceed with their work chores.

This is because using the Vermeer bc 1000xl brush chipper lessens the workload. The equipment has enhanced efficiency and does the work of chopping wood and transforming it into chips to prevent erosion and produce mulch or composting material much quicker than any other machine could do.

Since this is the most upgraded and latest model manufactured by the company, it has mechanisms to control emissions released in the surrounding.

However, enough about the product. It’s time we discuss the Vermeer bc1000xl troubleshooting.

Remember, not many problems occur with Vermeer bc1000xl, but often, a single issue occurs for several reasons.

So at first, we will be stating the problem and then locating the multiple root causes that it might have alongside mentioning potential solutions.

Problem #1: Engine is Challenging to Start or Does Not Start

Issues with an engine are not only the worst out of all the problems, but they are a source of severe nuisance for the person who has been continuously attempting to get the machine up and running.

Whenever there is an arising problem with the engine in Vermeer bc1000xl being challenging to start or does not start whatsoever you do, the issue can be conveniently traced back to fuel.

Either you have filled the tank with an inaccurate fuel composition, or the fuel delivery lines have been clogged. Let’s explore!


First: Every time your engine seems sore, question yourself: did you fill the tank with fuel? Or was the fuel composition that you refilled your tank with the one that is a prior requirement for your Vermeer bc 1000xl to operate?

Often there is no fuel or sufficient amount of fuel present in the tank of your chipper, which is enough to be sourcing your machine, due to which the engine does not start.

Even if it does start, it won’t be long enough until you encounter the machine to have immediately lapsed amid operation.


The instant you hear the engine rumbling or grinding, struggling to start, without giving another thought to the situation at hand, you check the fuel tank immediately.

If there is no fuel or lack of fuel in the Vermeer bc1000xl, you refill the tank. We hope you are carrying additional fuel bottles along, and if not, our sincerest luck to you for finding a petrol pump in the middle of a forest.

Next up, recheck with the person responsible for getting the chipper’s tank filled with fuel and interrogate if they got the accurate composition in the tank.


Sometimes, the engine may not start because, despite the tank of your Vermeer bc1000xl being full, the fuel is not reaching the engine.

The likely reason behind this is a possible leak within the fuel line or the entire system regulating the fuel supply has been clogged.

Clogging in the system occurs very often.

Primarily when the machine is ill-maintained, or the owner is behind with getting it serviced. Also, not only does the fuel supply system clogs the fuel filter with the remaining particles of wood chips.

An alternative cause to all this can also be that air is trapped within the fuel compartment of Vermeer bc1000xl. Whatever the reason, refer to our preferred solution, and you will be good to go.


You must act wisely and, before taking action, identify the exact cause for the materializing problem. Go step-by-step instead of experimenting with treating every cause without knowing where the problem originates.

Start by releasing the trapped air in the filter. Wait to attempt to start the engine. Next, examine the fuel tank vigilantly and keep an eye out for if there is a fuel leakage link to be spotted.

Some screws on the fuel line might have been loosened or damaged.

Fix that! Meanwhile, also take the fuel filter out and deeply cleanse it, making sure that by the time you are done, no dust particle is left. Then precisely fit the filter in the exact place you took it from.

It’s time you start the engine. We anticipate the engine will effortlessly start after Vermeer bc1000xl troubleshooting.

Still, if it does not, then it is time to refer to a field professional because you have exhausted all your technical knowledge.

Problem #2: While Chipping, The Engine Stalls

When we consider stalling of the engine, it means that while the machine is constantly working without making any weird noises and is simultaneously effectively delivering its purpose of chipping but all of a sudden, Vermeer bc1000xl comes to a stop.

This is stalling and a typical problem to be experienced. Rest assured, trust us when we tell you that you are not the only victim of stalling engines. Many others like you encounter this problem.


However, the cause that is ordinary for Vermeer bc1000xl for a stalling engine is the feed.

Without even realizing it and while trying to expand the outcome of chipping obtained by the brush chipper, users tend to feed over.

Just like when you overfeed a human, they cannot handle it. So is the case with your Vermeer bc1000xl. It, too, cannot take that extreme load, and as a result, the engine stalls or starts to stall.


The remedy to a stalling engine is a quick and easy one. All you have to do if your Vermeer bc1000xl has a manual feeder system is to reduce the load of wood you are putting on the machine.

On the other hand, if the brush chipper has an automatic feeding system, you should resort to the Vermeer dealership from where you initially purchased the machine and ask them to adjust the settings to a lower feeding rate, as the current one is causing the engine to stall.

Problem #3: Shredded Material is Discharged

If you see that whatever you insert within the Vermeer bc1000xl it is not fully chipped, or only some portion of the material that you intend to shred is chipped, and the rest is discharged, then the issue is with the knives of the machine.


The knives of a chipper are the blades installed in the equipment. Material is only discharged and not thoroughly shredded when the knives have grown dull and incapable of serving the purpose they are supposed to.


With this problem, you must do whatever seems viable to you to either get the knives replaced or sharp.

If a knife sharpener is conveniently available, get it sharpened instead of replaced because finding the same blades is a task.

Ensure you fit them back in their position in the same routine. Otherwise, you have a backup replacement if sharpening is not an option.



In this write-up, we have presented you with more than just an option for Vermeer bc1000xl troubleshooting.

All that we hope for you now is that for these solutions to be of assistance to you.

Nevertheless, if you face a problem and need help dealing with it, always refer to the Vermeer dealership and do not attempt to solve it yourself!

 Thomas Fishburn
Thomas, versatile writer, has a penchant for adventure and a deep understanding of machinery. He’s on a constant quest to find innovative tools and techniques that make gardening and farming tasks easier and more enjoyable. If there’s a machine that can do the job better, Thomas is the first to know about it.