About Us

Who We Are

Welcome to MowChip.com, your dedicated resource for all things related to gardening, farming, and efficient machinery. We are passionate about providing quality information that can help you achieve a lush garden and productive farm. Our team consists of experts and enthusiasts who are eager to share their knowledge with you.

Rooted in expertise and brimming with passion, our team offers quality information that helps you nurture a flourishing garden and a productive farm.

Meet the Team

Nick Wain

As the founder of MowChip.com, Nick brings extensive experience in gardening and farming to the platform. His hands-on approach and practical tips are backed by years of real-world experience. Nick believes that a well-maintained garden or farm can be a source of joy, and he’s here to guide you through every step of the way.

Thomas Fishburn

Thomas, versatile writer, has a penchant for adventure and a deep understanding of machinery. He’s on a constant quest to find innovative tools and techniques that make gardening and farming tasks easier and more enjoyable. If there’s a machine that can do the job better, Thomas is the first to know about it.

Jason Gardener

Jason brings a multimedia approach. Apart from contributing articles, he also runs a YouTube channel where he demonstrates various gardening techniques and reviews different types of machinery. His engaging videos serve as a valuable supplement to our written content.

Nicola Wain

Nicola, A diligent editor, wears many hats. She is not only Nick’s supportive spouse but also a nurturing mom. Her keen eye for detail ensures that every article and video produce meets the highest standards. Nicola is committed to maintaining the quality and integrity of our content.

Our Mission

We aim to offer comprehensive and dependable resources that help both amateurs and professionals in the field of gardening and farming. Whether you’re looking for advice on which seeds to plant or how to operate a new piece of machinery, we’ve got you covered.

Why Choose Us?